Our Services

Musasa offers psycho-social support from all its offices and shelters to women and girls. Musasa offersa individual, couples’ and group counselling and provides experts in children’s counselling in special cases. Musasa also reaches out to women in rural areas by providing mobile counselling services. Musasa also offers training to other organisations and community members.
Musasa ensures that women and girls who have encountered GBV access to medical treatment expeditiously. If a person has been raped, Musasaa ensures that they acces Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) within 72 hours to prevent sexually transmitted infections and HIV infection.

Legal Advice
Musasa has resident lawyers and paralegals who offer legal advice and assist survivors in GBV related cases.
Musasa offers a 24-hour helpline for survivors of gender-based violence accessible from anywhere in Zimbabwe.

A shelter in the context of GBV is a home that provides an alternative place of temporary accommodation to survivors of GBV. The intended purpose of a shelter is to keep the survivor and at times her children from any further potential harm from the perpetrator with the aim of supporting her in dealing with the traumatic experience while assisting in any long term steps that a survivor wishes to take.
Musasa continues to engage policymakers on issues of conflict resolution and peacebuilding initiatives which impact negatively on women and girls.